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New Brighton Pier

Location: New Zealand / South Island /

The new pier was designed to be a place where people could feel close to the ocean. Much of the pier's length is out over the water, even at low tide.


The pier is the setting for an annual Guy Fawkes fireworks display and is used for fishing.

Pier lit up for tenth anniversary
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the New Brighton Pier on 21 June 2007 the structure became a permanently lit icon of the city’s coast. LED lights along the underside of the pier were switched on, bathing the pillars the length of the pier in a combination of red, green and blue lights. This effectively lights all the columns and the sides of the pier structure creating a dramatic display of colour which is also reflected in the water.


Pier facts
Length: 300 metres
Height: 7 metres above high tide
Width: 6 metres
Deck: 900mm thick pre-stressed concrete
Piles: 17 piles, 1.4 metres diameter, 20 metres apart
Designed by the Christchurch City Council City Solutions Unit


Brighton Mall
Recommended Duration
1 hours
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