Blue Pearls are unique to New Zealand because the kind of abalone (called paua) that can produce a Blue Pearl exists only in New Zealand waters. The Eyris Blue Pearl Company grades the pearls into two main categories: Eyris Blue Pearls (higher grade) and Pacific Blue Pearls (lower grade). Every Eyris Blue Pearl and Pacific Blue Pearl is unique because of its eye-catching color: deep blue, shiny green, or all the colours of the rainbow.
Two master jewellers design and craft the Blue Pearl jewellery right in front of you. We think that such a rare and remarkable product deserves to be set in outstanding designs and our jewelers try hard to out-design each other!
Paua shell jewellery, Tahitian Black Pearls, Akoya White Pearls, Baltic amber, New Zealand greenstone and whalebone are also found in our Gallery. There is also a selection of our handmade diamond rings, and of course we can bring to life that one-off piece that exists in your imagination.